"Children and Adolescents in the era of SmartScreens:  

Risks, threats and opportunities reloaded"

International Off-year Congress ECREA-CYM-2019,

19th to the 20th of September 2019,

Salamanca, Spain



Children and adolescents increasingly turn to mobile media devices and SmartScreen’s, the Smartphone in particular - at home, at school or on the move-, to stay connected with family and friends, for schooling activities and to access a variety of digital media contents and services including social media, music, videos, and games. The everytime-and-everywhere-access to mobile media has changed children’s and adolescents’ everyday life with potential implications on their -from a broad perspective- socialization, consumer patterns, schooling orientated behaviour among others. This conference wants to address these issues both from a theoretical and methodological perspective. We welcome Case Studies and research in the conference topics. -Click here for "one click all info" .pdf-

Each author will have a Maximum of strict 8 minutes presentation in each Panel.

Click Here for a map on the localisation of Main Congress Building, Wifi, Cafeteria and Restaurant and Cultural Programme.

Think also in participating in the Associated Monograph to this event at www.revistacomunicar.com , JCR, Q1, see process as follows:

Ranked 9th in 2018 in Communication-Journals JCR Ranking see links as follows with full indications and dates:

Comunicar 64 (2020-3):
Children, youth and media in the era of smart-screens: Risks, threats and opportunities

Join ECREA´s Children Youth and Media (internal) Group  https://www.facebook.com/groups/294975850966722/

for access to Photos click here, Videos - Includes keynote conferences- on the event.

Programme and Keynote Speakers:

19th of September 2019, Faculty of Social Sciences.

8:00 to 8:30 Reception of Congress Members at "Faculty of Social Sciences Building-Teaching Building Hall"

8:30 to 9:00 Reception see video here "Homage @ ECREA-CYM Management Teams", "at Patio del Olivo"

with the participation of "Ensemble Contraste" see http://www.ensemblecontrastes.com/.

9:00 to 9:30 Opening Ceremony in "room Sala de Juntas, Faculty of Social Sciences" video here.

Ilmo. Prof.Dr. D. Efrem Yildiz-Sadak, Vicerector of International Relations, Universidad de Salamanca.

Prof. Dra. Emilia Riesco, Director of the Department of Sociology and Communication, Universidad de Salamanca.

Prof. Dr. Félix Ortega, President of the Congress ECREA Children Youth and Media Salamanca 2019, Vice-Chair ECREA CYM, Director of the Master in Communication: Research and Innovation, Universidad de Salamanca.

Prof. Dra. Patricia Nuñez-Gómez, Vicepresident of the Congress ECREA Children Youth and Media Salamanca 2019, Director of the Chair in Marketing and Communication for Childs and Adolescents, Director of the Department of Applied Communication Sciences, Universidad Complutense of Madrid.

Prof. Dra. Sonia Livingstone, OBE is Professor of Social Psychology in the Department of Media and Communications at London School of Economics.

9:30 to 10:15 Keynote Speaker video here: Prof. Dr. Sonia Livingstone (LSE, London School of Economics, UK)

Conference on "Parenting for a Digital Future" in "room Sala de Juntas" .

10:30 to 11:00 Coffee Break at "Cafeteria Campus Unamuno-Derecho", building "C".

11:00 to 12:45 hours Round Table video here on: "Children Youth and Smartscreen Media, changing habits, detecting risks and opportunities", in "room Sala de Juntas", Faculty of Social Sciences, with the participation of: Mr. Julian Coles, Policy Lead for the Internet Commission-UK ex BBC Editorial Policy, Prof. Dr. David Smahel from Masaryk University, Prof.   Prof. Dr. Félix Ortega-Mohedano  "Observatorio de Contenidos Audiovisuales" University of Salamanca and moderation by Prof. Dr. Jonathan Hardy from East London University. Prof. Verónica Pastrana, Yeep Kid's Media.

11:00 to 14:00 hours "Parallel Sessions" click here  P1 to P3.  in "room Sala de Grados, Faculty of Social Sciences".

14:00 to 15:30 Lunch Break. "Comedor Colegio Oviedo", building "B".

15:30 to 18:30 hours "Parallel Sessions" click here P4 to P6. in "room Sala de Grados, Faculty of Social Sciences".

18:30 to 19:45 hours, "Time to walk to your hotel and prepare for the Cultural Programme".

20:00 to 21:30, Cultural Programme: "Ieronimous Cathedral Tour at 20:00 hours see Cultural Programme" reservation at info@childrenandsmartscreens.eu .

20th of September 2019, Faculty of Social Sciences.

9:30 to 10:15 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Antonio García-Jiménez (URJC, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain)  Conference video here

"Adolescents: Audiovisual Producers and Consumers" in "room Sala de Juntas".

10:30 to 11:00 Coffee Break. "Cafeteria Campus Unamuno-Derecho", building "C".

11:00 to 14:00 hours "Parallel  Sessions" click here P7 to P9. in "room Sala de Juntas from P7 and P8 from 11:00 to 13:00 hours", P9 in room 105A -next door with room Sala de Juntas, Faculty of Social Sciences". -n.b.P9 runs in room 105A-.

13:00 to 14:00 hours Round Table video here: "Research in Children Youth and Media in the Latino and English Sphere, Situation, Risk, Threats and Opportunities", in "room Sala de Juntas", Faculty of Social Sciences, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Sonia Livingstone* from LSE, Prof. Dr. Victoria Tur from "Asociación Infancia y Comunicación"  from University of Alicante, Mr. Domingo Malmierca from  "Fundación Aprende a Mirar", Prof. Dr. Cristina Ponte from University Nova of Lisboa,  and moderation by Dr. Patricia Nuñez-Gómez from "Cátedra Comunicación y Marketing por la Infancia y la Adolescencia".

14:00 to 15:00 Lunch Break. "Comedor Colegio Oviedo", building "B".

15:00 to 17:00 hours "Parallel Sessions" click here P10 to P12. in "room Sala de Juntas of the Faculty of Social Sciences P10 and P11, from 15:00 to 17:00", and "P12 from 16:00 to 17:00 hours in room 105A"-n.b. P11 and P12 run in the same time slot in different rooms-.

17:15 to 17:45 hours Closing and Farewell Ceremony, in "room Sala de Juntas of the Faculty of Social Sciences".

17:45 to 18:15 hours, "Time to walk to your Hotel leave things and continue to the Cultural Programme".

18:15 to 20:00 hours, Cultural Programme: "Casa Lis Museum Visit" reservation at info@childrenandsmartscreens.eu .


Registration - n.b. All authors must register in order to obtain written certification of assistance and/or presentation-:

Early Bird (before the 16th of June 2019) Regular Registration (After the 16th of June 2019)

ECREA-Members 59€ (Early Bird) 70€ (Regular Registration)

Students-Phd Students & “Low Income Countries” 49€ (Early Bird) 55€ (Regular Registration)

Non-ECREA-Members 70€ (Early Bird) 80€ (Regular Registration)

Participants will be responsible for their own travel, accommodation and dinner expenses. Two lunch tickets will be provided for each registration, for Thursday and Friday Lunch.

Registration and payment click here, http://eventos.ucm.es/34045/detail/children-and-smart-screens.html , REGISTER at bottom right hand side of page, Payment by Card. Registered individuals may find a receipt of your payment in PDF within the "Secure Individual Login Space" at the payment-receipt personal area where you first registered.

Host/Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Salamanca, Campus Unamuno, 37071, Salamanca, Spain.

University of Salamanca, City of Salamanca at 200km from Madrid in direction Portugal.

 See at URL for Salamanca City: https://www.google.es/maps/@40.9647423,-5.662056,13z and for Faculty of Social Sciences here, Edificio FES, AvenidaTomas y Valiente 37071 or click here https://goo.gl/maps/7LdXRptXmCoepNcU6


The event will take place at the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca (near Madrid), Spain.

Local organizer Prof. Dr. Félix Ortega, fortega@usal.es  from the Department of Sociology and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca University and

Prof. Dr. Patricia Núñez-Gómez , pnunezgo@ccinf.ucm.es from the Faculty of Information Sciences, University Complutense Madrid.

Organizing Committee: Gloria Soto, Erika Martínez, Daniela Estafanía Iglesias, Francisco Gaviria Medina,Laura Rodríguez-Contreras, Javier Amores, Beatriz González-Ispierto, Diego Ramos, Sofía Trullenque.

Scientific Committee: Dr. Elisabeth Staaksrud (University of Oslo), Dr. Bieke Zaman, (UKLeuven), Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz, (USAL), Dr. José Manuel Pérez Tornero (UAB), Dr. Maria Marcos (USAL), Dr. Carlos Arcila Calderón (USAL), Dr. Antonia Picornell-Lucas (USAL), Dr. Sara Serrate (USAL), Dr. María José Rodríguez-Conde (USAL), Dr. Antonio García-Jiménez (URJC), Dr. Félix Ortega (USAL), Dr. M. Esther Pérez-Peláez (VIU),Dr. Patricia Nuñez-Gómez (UCM), Dr. Victoria Tur-Viñes (Universidad de Alicante), Dr. Amador Cernuda (URJC),  Dr. Esther Cuadrado (USAL), Dr. Carmen Tabernero (USAL), Dr. José Ortega-Mohedano (USAL).